December through to February


June to September


Elephant, Giraffe, Hippo, Buffalo, Zebra, Wildebeest, Chimpanzee & White Rhino

Murchison Falls, is the world's most powerful waterfall, with an average flow rate of 300 cubic meters per second.

Welcome to Murchison Falls National Park, one of the most beautiful and diverse national parks in Uganda. This 3,893 square kilometer park is located in the northern region of the country and is named after the stunning Murchison Falls, where the mighty River Nile explodes through a narrow gorge to create a magnificent waterfall.

The park is home to a vast array of wildlife, including over 76 mammal species and 450 bird species. Visitors to the park can look forward to spotting elephants, lions, leopards, giraffes, buffaloes, hippos, and crocodiles, among others. The birdlife is equally impressive, with some of the rarest and most sought-after species in Africa, such as the shoebill stork, the Abyssinian ground hornbill, and the Goliath heron.

One of the best ways to explore the park is by taking a game drive, either in the early morning or late afternoon. During these times, the animals are most active, and you’re likely to see some spectacular wildlife sightings. If you’re lucky, you might even witness a lion hunt or a herd of elephants crossing the Nile.

Another must-do activity in Murchison Falls National Park is a boat cruise along the Nile. The boat takes you up close to the Murchison Falls, and you can witness the power of the water as it cascades through the gorge. The boat ride also provides excellent opportunities for spotting hippos, crocodiles, and a wide variety of birdlife, including the rare and elusive shoebill stork.

For the more adventurous, there are plenty of other activities to choose from, such as hiking to the top of the Murchison Falls, sport fishing for Nile perch, and chimpanzee tracking in the nearby Budongo Forest Reserve.

The Best Time to Visit Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park is enjoyable all year round, but December through to February is considered the best time to visit the park. June to September is another great window to visit.


December through to February


June to September


Elephant, Giraffe, Hippo, Buffalo, Zebra, Wildebeest, Chimpanzee & White Rhino

Murchison Falls National Park Gallery.

Accommodation Options

Accommodation options in the park range from luxury lodges to budget-friendly campsites, so there’s something for every type of traveler. Whatever your preferences, we guarantee that a visit to Murchison Falls National Park will be an unforgettable experience that will leave you with memories to last a lifetime.

Interesting facts about Murchison Falls National Park

  • Murchison Falls National Park is Uganda’s largest national park, covering an area of 3,893 square kilometers.
  • The park is named after the Murchison Falls, which is where the Nile River squeezes through a narrow gorge before plunging 43 meters down into the “Devil’s Cauldron” below.
  • The falls were named after the Scottish geologist Sir Roderick Murchison, who was president of the Royal Geographical Society.
  • Murchison Falls is the world’s most powerful waterfall, with an average flow rate of 300 cubic meters per second.
  • The park is home to over 76 mammal species, including elephants, lions, leopards, giraffes, buffaloes, hippos, and crocodiles.
  • There are over 450 bird species in the park, making it a birdwatcher’s paradise. Some of the rarest and most sought-after species in Africa can be found here, including the shoebill stork, the Abyssinian ground hornbill, and the Goliath heron.
  • Murchison Falls National Park is one of the few places in Uganda where you can spot both the Rothschild’s giraffe and Jackson’s hartebeest.

Things to Do in Murchison Falls National Park

Game drives:

Murchison falls national park rewards with game viewing which can be enjoyed on a game drive on the largest scale land in different designated game drive areas. To note, the park comprises of savannah grassland, woodland, wetland as well as the tropical forest which are habitant to different bird species and animals. The best main areas to do game drive is along Nile delta where there are great chances of seeing the king of jungles ‘’lions in wait for prey as they concentrate to drink water.

Launch trips/Boat Cruise:

The lunch trip starts upstream from the Paraa landing site at the point where river Nile enters into lake Albert and takes you to the bottom of the top of the falls. As you hike to the top of the falls, there is a display of wildlife species and provides a memorable frontal view of the falls. While on your boat cruise sailing slowly waters of the Victoria Nile, you get rewardable sighting of water species like hippos, crocodile, waterbucks, other animals along the banks of the river such as elephants, buffaloes.

Bird watching:

Bird watching around here starts between at paraa Rest Camp and Ferry crossing and can be best done in morning hours, such birds to be spotted include; Chestnut-crowned Sparrow-weaver Black-headed Gonolek, Green-winged ptyilia, Black headed Batis, Vitelline Masked Weaver, Silver bird, Bluff-bellied Warbler, white-rumped seed-eater.

Sport fishing:

This is exciting experience done along Victoria Nile which starts at 9am and 4pm in the evening, the best sport fishing activity is conducted in the river section above and below the falls and the caught fish species include; Nile perch, Tilapia, Catfish, Tigerfish, mudfish and many more. But travellers are recommended to carry their owned fishing equipment.

Hot Air Balloon Wildlife Safari:

Hot Air balloon wildlife safaris offer rewardable Aerial views of the Murchison falls national park and Uganda this is the only park where you can carry out this marvellous hot air balloon experience. Along the sky a traveller can be able to view such wildlife species like herds of buffaloes, giraffes, elephants, antelopes many more.


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