September and all through to March


July and August


Rothschild Giraffes, Eland, Jackson's Hartebeest , Oribi, Lion, Leopard, Side-backed Jackal.

Kidepo Valley National Park is a hidden gem in Uganda, offering visitors a unique and unforgettable wildlife experience in a stunning and remote wilderness area.

Welcome to Kidepo Valley National Park, a hidden gem in Uganda’s rugged northeastern corner. This remote and stunning wilderness area is considered one of Africa’s most spectacular landscapes, with a unique blend of savannah grasslands, rugged mountains, and desert-like plains.

Location and History

Kidepo Valley National Park is located in the Karamoja region, about 700 kilometers northeast of Kampala, Uganda’s capital city. The park covers an area of 1,442 square kilometers, bordered by South Sudan in the north and Kenya in the east. The park was established in 1958 and is managed by the Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA).


Kidepo Valley National Park is home to an abundance of wildlife, including over 77 mammal species, 475 bird species, and many reptiles and insects. Some of the notable species include the African elephant, African buffalo, lion, leopard, cheetah, giraffe, zebra, and hyena. The park is also home to several unique species, including the Kavirondo bush baby, aardwolf, and greater and lesser kudu.


Although Kidepo Valley National Park is located in a remote area, it is still accessible by road and air. The park is about 12 hours by road from Kampala, and several tour operators offer 4×4 vehicles for transport. The park also has an airstrip, and several charter flights operate to and from the park.

The Best Time to Visit Kidepo Valley, National Park

The best time to visit Kidepo Valley National Park is during the dry season, from December to March and June to September. During this time, the wildlife is more concentrated around water sources, making it easier to spot them. The park is open all year round, but the rainy season from April to May and October to November can make some areas of the park inaccessible.


September and all through to March


July and August


Rothschild Giraffes, Eland, Jackson's Hartebeest , Oribi, Lion, Leopard, Side-backed Jackal.

Kidepo Valley National Park Gallery.

Accommodation Options

There are several accommodation options available in Kidepo Valley National Park, ranging from budget campsites to luxury lodges. The UWA manages two basic campsites within the park, while several private lodges offer comfortable accommodation and excellent service.

Interesting facts about Kidepo Valley National Park:

• Kidepo Valley National Park has one of the highest mammal species counts of any park in Uganda, with over 77 mammal species recorded.
• The park is also home to over 475 bird species, making it one of the best birding destinations in Uganda.
• Kidepo Valley National Park is surrounded by the Karamoja region, which is one of the most culturally rich areas in Uganda. The park offers visitors the opportunity to experience the unique Karamojong culture, including traditional dances, dress, and local cuisine.
• The park has several unique landscapes, including the Narus Valley, which is a vast plain dotted with acacia trees and home to many of the park’s herbivores.
• Kidepo Valley National Park was named the third-best national park in Africa by CNN in 2013, highlighting its unique blend of wildlife, culture, and stunning landscapes. The park remains a hidden gem and a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the best of Uganda’s wilderness areas.

Kidepo Valley National Park is a diverse and unique destination, offering visitors the opportunity to experience wildlife, culture, and adventure in a stunning and remote wilderness area. With its commitment to conservation, accessibility, and range of activities, Kidepo Valley National Park is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Uganda.

Things to Do in Kidepo Valley National Park

There are several activities to enjoy in Kidepo Valley National Park, including game drives, bird watching, cultural visits to the nearby Karamojong community, and guided walks. One of the highlights of the park is the Narus Valley, which is a great place to spot wildlife, especially elephants and buffalo. The park also has several walking trails, including the Lomej Hills trail, which provides panoramic views of the park.

Cultural Experiences

Visitors to Kidepo Valley National Park have the opportunity to experience the local Karamojong culture. The Karamojong are a semi-nomadic pastoralist tribe, known for their unique dress, jewelry, and traditional dances. Visitors can participate in cultural tours, which include visits to Karamojong villages, interaction with the locals, and learning about their way of life.

Hiking and Mountaineering

Kidepo Valley National Park is also a great destination for hiking and mountaineering enthusiasts. The park has several challenging hiking trails, including the Kidepo Valley trail, which leads to the beautiful Kidepo Valley. The park also has several mountains, including Mount Morungole, which is the highest peak in the park and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

Conservation Efforts

Kidepo Valley National Park is an important conservation area in Uganda, and the Uganda Wildlife Authority works tirelessly to protect the park’s wildlife and habitats. The park has several conservation programs, including anti-poaching patrols, habitat restoration, and community outreach programs to raise awareness about conservation issues.


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