Throughout the year (except for March - May)


June - February


Buffalo, Zebra, Baboons

Welcome To Tsavo National Park Kenya

Tsavo National Park is one of the main tourist destinations in Kenya and is located in the southwestern part of Kenya. Tsavo is divided into 2 having Tsavo East National Park & Tsavo West National Park. The park is known for having quite a number of Lions that were sometime termed as the “Man-Eaters” and other animal species like the large herds of elephants. The park measures 13,747 square kilometers.

Tsavo national park is one of the oldest national parks in Kenya which is located in the southeastern part of the country and it is made up of Tsavo west national park and Tsavo east national park which are separated by a railway line. Famous for man-eating lions, Tsavo national park also consist of a rugged landscape which is also made up of mountains as well as wooded grasslands in Tsavo west national park. In contrast, Tsavo east national park is characterized by semiarid grasslands and savannah where wildlife species can be seen. The man-eating lions in Tsavo national park came to be known as above when two maneless lions attacked construction workers during the construction of the railway passing through the national park. These lions are among the attractions that tourists visiting this national park are interested in seeing as they explore the destination.

Attractions that can be seen by tourists during safaris in Tsavo national park include the following;

In Tsavo west national park

Wildlife species: Tsavo west national park is among the wildlife viewing destinations in Kenya which attracts tourists to go to the destination to see the various wildlife species which include rhinos, hippos, elephants, buffalos, leopards, lions, hartebeests, impalas, elands, fringe eyed oryx, giraffes, kudu among others.

Mzima springs: Tourists visiting Tsavo west national park can also visit Mzima springs which are known to have clear water and hippos and crocodiles. The springs consist of four springs in the western part of the national park. Mzima springs get its water from a natural reservoir under Chyulu hills. The springs are a source of water for the wildlife species which graze around the savannah plains. 

Ngulia Rhino sanctuary: Another attraction in Tsavo west national park is Ngulia rhino sanctuary which is located at the base of Ngulia hill. It is home to a number of endangered rhinos which are kept and bred by the Kenya wildlife service and the African wildlife foundation. Due to the poaching of these rhinos, the sanctuary was made to protect them from getting killed. The black rhinos which are kept at the sanctuary are nocturnal species and this means that it is rare to see them however not impossible to see these rhino species.

Shetani lava flow: Tourists can also enjoy viewing the black-folded lava which flows across the savannah as well as the amazing views in the surrounding. Different wildlife species can also be seen during a visit to the Shetani lava flows and these include predators which can be seen wandering around. 

Best Time to Visit Tsavo National Park

The best time to visit Tsavo National Park is during the dry season, except March-May. During this time, the skies are clear, making for great views of the surrounding landscape. The dry season is also the best time to see wildlife, as the animals tend to congregate around the water sources.


Throughout the year (except for March - May)


June - February


Buffalo, Zebra, Baboons

Tsavo National Park Gallery.

Where to stay in Tsavo national park

During visits to Tsavo national park, there are different places where tourists can stay and these include luxury accommodations, midrange accommodation as well as budget accommodation. The choice of where to stay depends on different factors such as the budget of the tourists.

Luxury accommodations include Finch Hattons camp, Sarova salt lick lodge, Rhino valley lodge, Kiboko camp, Satao camp, Kiboko camp and many others.

Midrange accommodations in Tsavo national park include Voi wildlife lodge, Asnil Aruba lodge, Red elephants safari lodge, Severin safari camp, Lions bluff lodge.

Budget or basic accommodation includes Lake Jipe safari camp, Manyatta camp, Voyager Ziwani safari camp, Leopard lodge among others.

How to get to Tsavo national park

There are different ways which tourists can use to access Tsavo national park to see its different attractions and engage in various wildlife viewing activities and these include road means and air or flight means of transport.

By road, tourists can drive along the Nairobi-Mombasa highway to reach Tsavo east national park. And by flight, there are different airstrips which tourists can use to fly to the national park and these include Voi airstrip, Aruba airstrip, Satao airstrip, Sala airstrip, Ithumba airstrip, Bachuma airstrip among others.

Activities which tourists engage in during their safaris in Tsavo national park include the following;

Game drives: Tourists can engage in game drives as they explore Tsavo national park to see its different wildlife species and other attractions around the national park. These game drives take place at different times of day and they include morning game drives, afternoon or evening game drives as well as full day game drives.

During morning game drives, tourists can see different wildlife species which are active at this time of day. They are recommended for tourists to get an amazing wildlife viewing experience in Tsavo national park and to catch sight of wildlife species as they graze around the national park such as elephants, buffalos, baboons, warthogs, waterbucks, impalas, zebras, hyenas, giraffes, kudus, antelopes, leopards among others.

Night game drives can also take place in the national park to see the nocturnal wildlife species. Ranger guides accompany tourists during the night game drives during which photography and filming can be carried out.

Birding: Bird watchers are also not left out during their safaris to Tsavo national park as they get to see various bird species such as ostriches, starlings, storks, pied kingfishers, vulturine guinea fowl, African fin foot, reed warbler, corncrakes, lesser kestrel, martial eagles, northern brownbul, and red backed shrikes, black faced sand grouse among others.

Nature walks: Another unique way of exploring the beauty is a nature walk which involves moving around Tsavo national park on foot. This wildlife viewing activity gives the tourists a close interaction with nature around their surroundings.

Hiking: Tourists can also engage in hiking adventures during their safaris to Tsavo national park as they enjoy the beautiful scenery at the destination from a higher view point. The hilly and rugged nature of Tsavo west national park makes it possible to carry out the activity.


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